Sunday, April 10, 2016

Prairie Dog water station and course marshal crew

My crew and I signed up for another water station/ course marshal at the 3W Prairie Dog race . Need to earn us some free runs right. It gets expensive when your kids start to like running and want to join you. Did you know that if you volunteer at some races they will give you a free race in return ? Yup that makes me SO excited. 3W gives you a $40 voucher for a 4 hr shift. That's a free 5K or 10K . Makes this mom happy especially when her kid asks to run a race with her. Free is always a plus. 
I'm pretty lucky that my kids and my husband are fabulous and will volunteer with me. No complaints either, yes I know I'm super lucky. Normally we are all together at a water station but they needed to spread us out a little this time. No biggie. My husband and middle son decided that they wanted to do the Course Marshal stuff for the 5K turn around. Sounds good to me. We parted ways at the water station as they had to walk a little ways down the trail to get to their spot. Once the 5K was done they came back to the water station to finish out the shift and help me and the other kids. The weather started out warm but then the wind hit and it got chilly. Thankfully we dressed in layers and managed to keep warm. I love volunteering and being able to cheer on my fellow running buddies along the way. It's always fun to see familiar faces and get sweaty hugs from those fabulous friends. My husband always says we runners are a crazy bunch. He's probably right but I love them, crazy and all. 
My Course Marshal crew 
Water and Gatorade at the ready  
Never a dull moment I swear 
After the race we are in charge of taking down the water station. It's super easy, just dumb jugs, pick up trash, fold up the table and stack stuff for the truck to come by and pick up. It's easy and done in a matter of minutes. After we checked in with Whitney and got our $40 race vouchers the kids earned some pizza from the post race party. They claim it's the BEST pizza ever. Kind of how I feel about the post race oranges and bananas . Best stuff ever.
As a special treat we hit up Red Robin for lunch. I am so thankful that my crew goes out of their way to help me earn some free races for Garrett and I . I am especially thankful that they do this with out complaining and they actually DO their jobs and do them well. It makes me so SO proud of them so a special treat is always in order.

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