Sunday, February 7, 2016

6 miles ..wait how many ??

Sunday is always our long runs. Today we set out for 6, well that's what I thought. It was a struggle from the minute I climbed out of bed.  I was up most of the night with a sick asthmatic/croup kid and had another in my bed with a fever. Needless to say I was tired from the second my feet hit the floor. Dad was home with the kids and I knew I needed this run or I was going to be super cranky pants. So I threw on my shoes ( I slept in my running shame, it works for me ) and a sweatshirt and hit the road for our meeting spot. I wanted to stop at 2 miles, I cursed them at 4, almost cried at 6 and finished with them at 8. I am so blessed to have this rock star group of ladies. They push me just enough and keep me going. I would have been so dang mad at myself if I had stopped at 2, 4 or even 6.  They know when I am truly dieing and will walk with me but they also seem to know when I need to be drug those final miles because they know I can do it. They are my tribe and I'm so very thankful for them. 

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