Thursday, February 4, 2016

When it snows you snow shoe

We got hit with some major snow on Tuesday. I'm talking thigh deep snow and then high winds which caused huge drifts of snow. I'm normally a runner in any conditions but sadly Tuesday had me on the treadmill. Blah it sucked BUT I needed miles and we know we runners just make it happen. Wednesday had me home with a sick kid and so by Thursday I was dieing to get outside.  We still had a ton of snow so running was just not gonna happen that easy. Thankfully I have some awesome running buddies who have extra snow shoes. So Thursday we found a snow covered field at one of our regular run spots and chatted away while we worked up a sweat. I've never been on snow shoes and boy was it fun.  Looks like it will be something I'll need to purchase for me and my family.  It was beautiful outside and the view of the snow covered mountains was stunning. 

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