Saturday, March 12, 2016

3W Erin Go Braugh 7.77 km race

Oh boy this is going to be a busy day but we are going to have fun no matter what. G and I signed up for the Erin Go Braugh 7.77K a few months back. Well when I signed up we hadn't received his schedule for football yet. Well we got the schedule and you guessed it, conflict. Dang it !! It was just equipment pick up but still it was pretty important to be there. He really wanted to do this race and we had already signed up for it and you can't get your money back so I had a plan. Run fast !!! Sounds like a good plan right ? The race started at 9 and our time slot for equipment pick up was 10:00-10:15. Who ever thought 15 minutes was a bright idea is an idiot, I don't make the rules so I'm just gonna go with it. 

The race is put on by 3W ( my favorite bunch of peeps ) and as always it was a blast. They had photo props at the start, hula hoops, green people, muisc, dancing and booths. Seriously 3W always does a fabulous job putting events on and they didn't disappoint with this one either. YEAH 3W!!!! I was able to catch up with a lot of people I haven't seen in a while, that's always loads of fun. 

G amd I with the leprechaun  
I ran into Cori today too . She's a hoot . I first met her at the Skirtsports 13er and ran with her to a PR AND our gps watches telling us we ran 58 miles. Yup we are badass like that. I knew that with Cori on the course I'd have some epic race photos, she'd push me and I'd push her and most importantly, we'd have loads of fun and laughs.
Our token MRTT group picture. 
As usual, G left me in the dust. I don't worry about him when he's on these courses because they are so well marked, tons of aid stations, everyone knows me and him so they keep an eye out for him and would help him in a heart beat if he needed it. I also knew that the course was an out and back with a small loop at the end so I would see him at least once.
My biggest cheerleader waited for me at the finish line. He's so awesome 

See this guy here. He doesn't do running stuff. It's not his jam BUT he totally supports me because it's mine. He doesn't come to events but he never tells me I can't go and he will go out of his way to make sure he can get the day off and be with the kids etc . Love him for that . I absolutely LOVED that he was here today at our race. It was an odd situation but he had to come with us since we needed to rush ASAP after the race to the football equipment shed. Well I knew that route for the course since it's a route I run often and I knew that he would be able to see G in 3 different spots not including the start and finish line. For a 10 yr old boy, having your dad be there to cheer you on is HUGE so this was super exciting for G. I'm proud to say that he made it to 2 of the 3 spots and at the finish line. Way to go dad !!!
Here are a few pictures from the 3W race page. They always offer free pictures which is awesome. Thanks for that 3W . Another positive perk . 
G kicking butt 

They had a photographer on the bridge and she got G a few times. He's on the far right hand side. 

And his finish photo . I'm so stinking proud of this kid . 
Epic finish photos with Cori 
This picture cracks me up the most. My 6 yr old saw it and asked " Mom why is that lady pushing you out of the way?" Oh man that's so funny . I promise she's not touching me and she's surely NOT pushing me out of the way. I had to laugh and shared it with Cori who of course added in her comment " he caught onto my plan dang it " . Always a good time.
We loaded up on free Lucky Charms ( I gave mine to my youngest son ), chocolate milk, bananas and yogurt after the race. Luckily they had the results for G's age group posted by the time I finished ( yes I'm slower than he is ) and we checked really quick before taking off for football stuff. He placed 4th but wasn't that far behind the 3rd place boy. He's still learning to pace so he doesn't go out with a bang and die near the end. I'm still super proud of him though .
Did we make it to football in time ? Of course not . We missed it by literally 1 minute. *sigh* dang it . Note to self , Run faster next time.

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