Thursday, March 17, 2016

Lucky Clover 4 mile virtual

I love swag. I LOVE super COOL swag. This virtual run through had the coolest hoodie so of course I had to sign up. Bonus points for the super kick butt medal too !! I signed up and a few of my running friends didn't want the medal but wanted the hoodie, thankfully they had an option for ordering extra hoodies. Score us !! 4 of us met up on St. Patrick's day to chat, run and take pictures. Because as always, running for me is suppose to be fun. I have the BEST running friends ever by the way. We showed up decked out in green and had a blast. 
Me, Lisa, Kim and Lois 
We hit up a new trail today and it was a nice change of pace. Oh hello cows. The last time we ran this section of trail was for a pumpkin run and the cows had not been here. I remember teasing them that if the cows chased us that I really did love them and please remember that when I trip you. Thankfully they all laughed and no cows chased us, snorted at us yes but didn't chase us . Thank you nice cows.
The long horns are my favorite 
Because a selfie with the cows just had to happen 
So this lady right here. Hands down the best addition to my life since moving to Colorado. Exactly 1 yr ago today I met her. I joined her an another lady Erin for a St. Patrick's day run and we just clicked. She's been such a blessing is just a year. The crazy adventures we go on, the races we do together, all the miles of training runs, our crazy spartan workouts we do. She's amazing and I am so SO grateful I came out of my shell and met up with this complete stranger for a run .

That's so serious bling. The middle spins!!
Right after we started this run it started to snow. It was SO cold out but even in the cold we have a good time.

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