Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Runner Awakens Virtual swag excites my 10 yr old runner

A virtual run ? Really ? People do those things ? And what exactly do you get ? What keeps you from cheating ? Do tell me more. 

Yes I LOVE virtual runs. Yes I LOVE good race swag and NO I do NOT cheat. Why the heck would I or anyone for that matter want to cheat ? Who would you be cheating other than yourself ? That just seems so dumb. I always have Map My Run on and GPS don't lie my friends. Now that we've cleared that all up let me tell you about the most recent virtual run I took part in. 

WOW check out this medal !! I mean seriously BB8  AND it spins !! Doesn't get any cooler than that my friends. you did NOT disappoint with this awesome swag. Job well done !
So I have a 10 year old son who has decided that he likes to run. Oh happy happy mom right here. He's already done a ton of races with me, and when I say with me I clearly mean he leaves me in the dust. He's placed in almost all of them which thrills him beyond words. I gave him a little interview about running. It went like this :

Me: Why do you like running ?
G: Because it's fun mom .
Me: That's it ? It's fun, no other reason ?
G: It makes my legs stronger for football . Oh and it makes me faster. I like the medals and the cool race shirts we get too.
Me: That's cool. Are you excited about your next race ?
G: Yes I can't wait. Running is fun. I'm like the only on in my whole class whos ran 6 miles and got a cool medal for it.
Me: Do you like virtual races or the regular races we do ?
G: Do I have to like one or the other ? I like them both.
Me: Why do you like them ?
G: Well I like the regular ones because of all the people around. They always have good food at the end. Remember when we got pizza that one time ? Ya that was the best after race food. I like the virtual ones too though because I get a cool medal for a workout run. It keeps me going and makes me want to go out and practice more.
Me: I love you son .

He is so just like me. I too love the regular races but I also love LOVE my virtuals too. They do help keep me motivated and hey I love any extra bling I earn. If I'm gonna be out running those miles I might as well get me some sweet swag right?

I signed up for this virtual for myself when I was presented with an opportunity to run this race and write a post about it, however when the medal came in the mail I decided to give it to G. See that very morning that it showed up he had asked me to run with him after school. I put off running with my usual group so I could run with him. And when the medal showed up on the same day it was just meant to be. He had NO idea he was going to get some swag after our run and he was so excited. It was fun to give him this medal and share my love of running with him.
Rocking his new kicks of course 
Holding up his newest bling. I think this kid needs his own medal holder soon. Seriously though can you see how HUGE that medal is !! Yes he took his bling to school with him the very next day to show it up. He especially likes to show his P.E. teacher who also happens to be his run coach . Yes he's on his schools running team .. way to go G !!!

Pure joy when you feel like you're flying 
So even though this medal isn't going on my bling wall I'm super excited that it will be displayed on my sons bling wall. I can't wait to do another run with him. did an awesome job on this medal and the only thing we really missed about this run was a bib to add to our collection. It's always extra exciting when you do a virtual that supports a good cause. Level Up Runs donates part of the funds to struggling schools to help them keep their sports programs alive. That's so cool . I grew up in a small town and I recall a few years when the levy wasn't going to pass and we almost lost our sports. That thought alone was devastating since sports had played such a huge part of my life in school .

I'll be taking part in their next virtual run The Incredible Virtual Run featuring none other than the Incredibles. Um how cool is that !! I have a sneak peek of that medal and I'm going to share it with you .

Seriously how cool is this medal ? They sure didn't skimp on the Runner Awakens so I'm gonna bet that they didn't skimp on this one either. Registration is currently open for this run over at and if you use the code SAVE10 you get 10% off your registration . Wait what ? A cool medal AND a discount code . SCORE !!! So I hope you'll join me and my 10 yr old running buddy for this next virtual race .

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